Oo, La La La

Published by Gina Glidewell on: Oct 01, 2016 — General MT Tools & Info

One of our first songs is called “Oo, La, La, La.” I wrote this song in the early spring and we started laying down tracks in May. Our purpose of writing songs for HCN is to give clients, families, teachers and music therapists resources that can be used in a variety of settings including hospitals, homes, and clinics. An objective of ours is to use one song to address many goals and objectives. If we can accomplish this, our songs will be irresistible for clients and therapists alike.

So, check out Jim & Paul and all their videos and music while you are on HCN and give our new tunes a listen. “Oo, La, La, La” can be used in lots of settings with lots of different goals in mind, such as addressing receptive/expressive language skills, using call and response, identifying common objects and practicing common first words, working on "WH" questions, aiding self-expression and play, interactive singing and decreasing anxiety.

Let us know what you think after you give it a listen.

Update: HCN is now KidLinks. See here for more information.


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