
Published by KidLinks on: Mar 15, 2017 — General MT Tools & Info, Social Skills & Feelings

One thing I appreciate most about being a music therapist is watching families bond through music, especially when music therapy has helped open that door. Sometimes the simplest songs are the best... action packed with a side of silly helps. Parents, siblings and I try them out during weekly sessions and then at home; sometimes reversing that by incorporating songs from home into sessions. The songs that pass the test of crossing environments, that elicit requests (either by pointing to PECS or by verbally requesting), and that evoke laughter and giggles create bonding experiences that are hard to find in other therapies.

The reward for bonding and connecting with a child is inherent. Family bonding is not something that we run data on or decide its viability by measuring quantitative value. It is one of those basics that energize everyone to keep working on the hard stuff. And many times, I would argue it’s the most important part of my job.

By Cora Lansdowne, MME, MT-BC


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