Practicing "WH" Questions

Published by Sara Chigani on: Aug 05, 2020 — General MT Tools & Info

As we venture through this pandemic one day at a time (although it seems like some days feel longer than others!) I’ve realized how much I’ve enjoyed making digital visual aids for my virtual music therapy sessions. This is actually one area where I think tele-health is beneficial, well one of many. I used physical visual aids throughout my in-person sessions with clients, but with digital visual aids I’m able to add animations, sharp graphics, and so much more. I think this is a great upgrade to my usual visual aids from before because it keeps the client’s attention, in my humble opinion. Unfortunately, with digital visual aids, clients aren’t able to physically move or touch pieces as they wish, but Zoom offers a great option where the host can share the ability to move the cursor with participants. So, if you have a client who is capable of receiving and performing that responsibility, they can move the pieces with their own mouse/cursor. Doing so could help work on listening to directions, it could be seen as a “reward” for situations, and it could also help work on fine motor skills.

This month I created a digital visual aid to address “wh” questions. It can be any “wh” question like; who, what, when, where, etc., but this month I am focusing on “what” questions. “Wh” questions are important because it is an important part of learning and development. Children gain more information from asking “wh” questions thus helping them develop their receptive and expressive language skills. Additionally, it helps them grow their conversation foundation. By doing so, children learn how to engage in conversation, gain more information, and demonstrate what they know. These are all things that can be practiced within music therapy. When you think about it, within each song there is a “conversation”. It may not be exactly like the verbal conversations you are used to, but there is a conversation happening. Either one or many instruments will “talk” first, then perhaps the vocalist will speak, and they will take turns. Or perhaps one vocalist will speak then another will speak and they will talk turns speaking/singing. The inherent conversation within music is a great way to facilitate “wh” questions.

Below is the digital aid I made which focuses on what people are doing in the pool, a great summertime theme! If you would like the PowerPoint version, feel free to send me a message. Stay safe and have fun!

If you would like to learn more about “wh” questions and why they are important, go to: .

Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC


Learning Links: Helping Kids Learn (2020). Alexandria, NSW, Australia. Retrieved July 28, 2020 from:


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