Where Are We Now?

Published by Sara Chigani on: Jan 13, 2021 — General MT Tools & Info

Hey, it’s 2021 and we are still here! As change swept across the USA, KidLinks, continued to do what we do best. To link kids to music, hope, and healing everywhere. It took a bit to find our legs but with excellent leaders like our CEO Diana Crawford and my boss Leigh Trevino, we could not go wrong. We relied heavily on the expertise of Jim Newton and Paul Hill and what we have learned has made our team better and stronger. Can you tell I’m a proud member of this team? I hope that you can. We still have much to do and as a board-certified therapist, I am trained to assist and motivate clients towards specific, non-musical goals. Therapeutic Music Entertainment (TME) by its diversion, can reach children and adolescents in hospitals and many countries worldwide with engaging messages of hope, self-confidence, friendship, and diversity. We are excited about 2021 and believe we have more to do, more connections to make, and more opportunities to serve.

Gina G. Glidewell, MT-BC


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