Marching Into March

Published by Sara Chigani on: Mar 03, 2021 — General MT Tools & Info, Themed Holiday

Spring is just around the corner! If you live in Texas, like we do here at KidLinks, I hope you and yours are well after the crazy winter storm we had roll in towards the end of February. I think with all the trials that storm brought us, a lot of us are thankful to be looking ahead to March! To continue my theme of creating original songs that address the new month, I have created a new song and video with lyrics. March is such a wonderful month because the weather is starting to become warmer, the trees slowly begin to sprout, and it’s nice to see all the brown turn to green. This is a great time to introduce new beginnings and a fresh start. In this original song, I have incorporated various events that characterize March like spring, St. Patrick’s Day, and that the month has 31 days. I created this song with a musical march feel in mind (ha!). This song is great because you can adapt it to your kiddo(s)’s need. Not only that, but it incorporates a jumping section at the end to get any wiggle worms out, but you can very easily change the movement to fit the need. Feel free to give this song a try if it works with your client’s goals or adapting it as needed. Happy marching!

Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC


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