Music-Mediated Instruction (MMI)

Published by Sara Chigani on: Jan 11, 2022 — General MT Tools & Info, Social Skills & Feelings

When I was asked by a coworker about music mediated instruction (MMI) I have to admit this was new and I had no idea what she was talking about. As it turns out, MMI is the evidence-based practice of music-mediated intervention used by a music therapist. MMI can assist teachers, caregivers, and other therapists in incorporating songs, melodic intonation, and/or rhythm to support learning or performance of skills/behaviors.

This is what we do as trained music therapists. When we provide services for your child through KidLinks, our goal is to move the client along a continuum of learning to demonstrate techniques successfully and give parents ideas of what could work at home between music therapy sessions. So, if one of your family members or parent's groups brings up MMI, now you know that they are talking about music therapy delivered by a board-certified music therapist.

Gina G. Glidewell, MT-BC


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