Lately I’ve been on the search for sing-able “books” that I can use during my virtual sessions. Ideally, these would be visual aids that I can share on my screen with a phrase on each page with minimal pictures as to not confuse or distract the client. In my search, I thought about KidLinks’ song “Munchies on Monday” and how it would be perfect to use to strengthen visual recognition of early reader words, reading in general, and pronunciation. “Munchies on Monday” is perfect because it incorporates lots of repetition and simple phrases. I’ve been using this intervention with my clients and have really great success so far. Attached is the visual aid without any audio, which I thought would be better to allow for flexibility for client specific needs. For example, with one of my clients I led with each phrase first then allowed the client to repeat after me. Then once the client had a good hang of the song, I allowed the client to lead me with each phrase. I hope you’ll able to give this a try with your clients and let us know how it goes! Happy singing!
Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC
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