It's Almost Halloween!

Published by Sara Chigani on: Oct 11, 2022 — Behavior Ideas & Modifications, Themed Holiday

It’s finally starting to cool down here in North Texas and we’re seeing a glimmer of fall! With the cooler temperatures comes the beautiful change in seasons and thus the beginning of the holidays. Halloween is just a few weeks away and I am starting to incorporate fall and Halloween themes in my sessions. It’s always fun to see my clients light up when singing about Halloween and all the things associated with the season. As a result, I created a song with Halloween as the theme to help my clients with objectives like identifying sight words, identifying objects based on descriptive words, colors, and listening. I like this song because you can actually adapt it to be an instrumental play intervention by swapping out the Halloween object for an instrument and then just replacing the descriptive words that reflect the instrument. It’s a fun little tune and I hope it can be a great addition to your Halloween themed sessions! Happy fall!

Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC


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