What Do You Do?

Published by Sara Chigani on: Oct 09, 2024 — General MT Tools & Info

I often get asked, “what do you do during a music therapy session?” It can be kind of tricky to answer sometimes, because each session looks so different. When we decide what types of things to do in a session, it is always very client centered. The client’s need and responses often dictate what we will do and what we will change as the session goes on. That’s why it can be difficult to answer that question. However, there are 4 general elements that we are required to incorporate in our practice as a music therapist. Those elements are; assessing the client, planning the client’s treatment, implementing therapy, and evaluating the client’s responses. These are very key aspects to our work and actually required as part of our professional competencies. It is our job to uphold these professional competencies in order to provide effective and adaptable therapy for each of our clients. 


Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC

What happens in music therapy?