I’m not sure about you, but we just had our first winter storm here in North Texas. We got a good amount of snow and all of the schools in the area were canceled. I know firsthand, that when the kids are home from school the day can sometimes feel like it drags on for parents. Keeping my 3-year-old occupied throughout the day can sometimes feel like a monumental task, especially when we’ve already done all the activities I can think of. In those situations, music can be a great tool. There are so many aspects of music that can provide several different types of stimulation. For example, one type I use in my sessions is movement to music. Simply having an impromptu dance party to your family’s favorite songs can provide the physical movement your kids need to release any built-up energy staying indoors. Another example would be playing a stop and go game to music. Having the kids listen to the music, dancing or moving when they hear it, and freezing when the parent stops the music provides an opportunity for kids to practice listening skills and cognitive processing. For this month, I’ve created a brief flyer that highlights a few games you can play with your kids when the days are dragging on and everyone needs a bit of a break. We hope this can help when you’re stuck indoors!
Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC