Rowdy Roo
Oct 15, 2017 General MT Tools & InfoThe song Rowdy Roo was inspired by my family dog named Rowdy. Rowdy was a special dog and if he could have, he would have, shared several of his tail wagging adventures.
The song Rowdy Roo was inspired by my family dog named Rowdy. Rowdy was a special dog and if he could have, he would have, shared several of his tail wagging adventures.
Is attention really all that important? Attention is super important. In my practice, I find that if a child has difficulty with attention, progress with other skills is slow coming until we address and improve his/her attention.
I agree with Cora Lansdowne and her sentiments about working with families at KidLinks. It is an honor and privilege to assist families through music therapy and Hugworks.
I am fortunate to have a job that has a high yield “feel-good” rate. At the end of my sessions, my clients and I feel good and rarely is there a time when a client hesitates to come into the music therapy room.
Some parents may fall for this instant online babysitting service unknowingly ...
Perfectly Imperfect came out of a session with one of my KidLinks private clients. So often, as a music therapist, I see clients with perfectionist tendencies.