Kechi Okwuchi's Incredible Voice
May 15, 2018 General MT Tools & InfoThis story is about Kechi and a music therapist who changed her world.
This story is about Kechi and a music therapist who changed her world.
The world seems a mess right now, and often we adults forget that the turmoil and stress we feel are felt by our children as well. Recently a parent sent a video to me of her son singing Sesame Street’s “Let the Good Shine Out”.
The song Rowdy Roo was inspired by my family dog named Rowdy. Rowdy was a special dog and if he could have, he would have, shared several of his tail wagging adventures.
Is attention really all that important? Attention is super important. In my practice, I find that if a child has difficulty with attention, progress with other skills is slow coming until we address and improve his/her attention.
I agree with Cora Lansdowne and her sentiments about working with families at KidLinks. It is an honor and privilege to assist families through music therapy and Hugworks.
I am fortunate to have a job that has a high yield “feel-good” rate. At the end of my sessions, my clients and I feel good and rarely is there a time when a client hesitates to come into the music therapy room.