Connecting With Families
Jul 15, 2017 General MT Tools & InfoI agree with Cora Lansdowne and her sentiments about working with families at KidLinks. It is an honor and privilege to assist families through music therapy and Hugworks.
I agree with Cora Lansdowne and her sentiments about working with families at KidLinks. It is an honor and privilege to assist families through music therapy and Hugworks.
I am fortunate to have a job that has a high yield “feel-good” rate. At the end of my sessions, my clients and I feel good and rarely is there a time when a client hesitates to come into the music therapy room.
Some parents may fall for this instant online babysitting service unknowingly ...
Perfectly Imperfect came out of a session with one of my KidLinks private clients. So often, as a music therapist, I see clients with perfectionist tendencies.
When you saw the title, some of you probably thought it would be about sharing, or social awareness. But instead, it’s about moving our bodies!
One thing I appreciate most about being a music therapist is watching families bond through music, especially when music therapy has helped open that door.