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Talking about friendship skills can be easy with this interactive craft catered to your age group. Whether you are using this as a conversation starter about social skills or creating a countdown until your next playdate, spending time creating this paper chain will be sure to create a helpful dialogue and fun memories. Not only sharing what makes someone else a good friend but showing what behavior and actions they can take to be a friend are invaluable skills!

All It Takes Is A Friend


  1. Cut construction paper into strips
  2. On each strip, write what they think makes a friend, names of their friends, how we make friends, what we have to do to keep friends, or even draw what they believe friendship is.
  3. While talking to them about what makes a friend, connect the strips with a staple.
  4. Use it as a garland around your friendship-themed bookshelf, or you can also use this as a countdown to a friend date or a special event!

As you work on this craft, listen to All It Takes Is A Friend

Conversation starters

  • What is a question you could ask someone to get to know them better?
  • How do you make friends when you are playing outside?
  • What is a great compliment you could give someone?
  • If you could be friends with anyone in the world, who would it be? Why?

KidLinks Krate Activities