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Song Information

This cloud dough is the perfect bedtime activity; wind down to sleep with this super soft dough activity and sweet song. With everything going on, try lavender or bedtime scented lotion to give children a second to breathe and relax with a bit of sensory play. As you put away the dough, turn on Cotton Candy Clouds and start to wind down for bedtime with this beautiful nighttime song.


  • 2 cups corn starch
  • 1 cup baby lotion
  • Food coloring
Cotton Candy Clouds


  1. In a bowl, mix the lotion and cornstarch together until combined
  2. Add food coloring and mix until thoroughly blended
  3. Store in a Tupperware container

As you work on this craft, listen to Cotton Candy Clouds

Conversation starters

  1. Would you rather live in a castle or on a cloud? Why?
  2. What is the strangest dream you have ever had?
  3. Where would you fly if you had wings?
  4. What do you do if you have a bad dream?

KidLinks Krate Activities