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Song Information

Earth Is Our Home is a celebration of the earth and the beauty around us. Paul G. Hill reminds us to slow down and appreciate what we can experience by going outside and the importance of taking care of our world. Take some time and think about what we can do to protect the beauty of this world with this recycling craft. Let's all do our part with recycling and upcycling when we can!

Supplies Needed

  • Magazines
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Cardstock


  1. Have kids cut out colors from old magazines
  2. Sort them by color
  3. Glue them on paper to create a rainbow

As you work on this craft, listen to Earth Is Our Home

Conversation starters

  1. What can we do about challenges facing our planet?
  2. What's your favorite thing to do outside?
  3. Why is important to care about our earth?
  4. What is something we can do to make the earth more beautiful?
  5. What's your favorite place on earth to visit?

KidLinks Krate Activities