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Song Information
Ace getting back to school with this super fun apple-inspired musical instrument. Then, shake it for a dance party with our ‘I Love To Go To School’ that will get them in the mood to take on that classroom. Heading back into a new class, a new school, or even a routine can be daunting for any child, so why not turn the change into a celebration! Surround your child with positive energy to show them they are special and capable of being head of the class.
- Two paper plates
- Stapler
- Paint
- Black beans
- Red and brown cardstock
- Scissors

- Paint two plates red
- Fill one side with black beans
- Place the other plate on top
- Staple around to keep it secure
- Add a stem and leaves from construction paper
- Shake shake shake!
As you work on this craft, listen to I Love To Go To School
Conversation starters
- What is the best thing that happened in class this year?
- What do you like best about school?
- If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be?
Additional Resources
KidLinks Krate Activities
- I Love To Go To School Worksheet Type: pdf Size: 242.2 KB
- I Love To Go To School Conversation Card Type: pdf Size: 85.8 KB