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Song Information

One Day At A Time is a recording of a Bill Thomas song. The original version, sung by Jim Newton shares the importance of treasuring each day. By taking time to commemorate these moments we can look back at a collection of these printables and see how far we have grown and what goals and experiences we have created over the years.

Supplies Needed

  • Printable provided


  1. Have the child fill out these time capsules every year and save in a special place for a memory keepsake

As you work on this craft, listen to One Day At A Time

Conversation starters

  • What is your first memory ever?
  • What are your dreams for 5 years from now?
  • What is your happiest childhood memory?
  • What event in your childhood has had the most significant impact on your life?
  • Describe an event or time when you laughed really hard

KidLinks Krate Activities